Our Story

The story of Pierre's birthday fund started with Pierre Schreyer celebrating his 17th birthday at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland while undergoing treatment for stage 4 neuroblastoma. He spent that day — July 17, 2014 — wondering how he could help other teens who, like him, were stuck in the hospital on their birthday receiving chemotherapy, surgeries, and other challenging medical procedures. Pierre felt that just a small gift to acknowledge their birthday would bring a little joy and make all the difference to kids that are suffering. And that’s how Pierre’s Birthday Fund was born. Pierre was loved by so many around him and admired for his warmth, generosity, humor, and ability to laugh at himself. 

Initially, Pierre, himself, raised money from friends and family to buy birthday presents. He amazed everyone with the amount of work he was able to do while battling cancer. Not only did he set up the Birthday party program, but also raised money for Bingo prizes and grew the existing portable gaming system from 1 to 4 carts so that there would be a cart on every floor of the hospital instead of just 1 for everyone to share.

After nearly two years of treatment, Pierre passed away on October 13, 2015. His dream was to leave behind a legacy of enduring love, support, and kindness for hospitalized kids. Pierre’s brother, Andrew immediately stepped up to carry out that vision and started this nonprofit organization. Soon after, his nonprofit was generating donations not only to keep Pierre ’s programs going but expanded to massage, art, and music therapies. Learn more below:

Our Programs: